Oct 19, 2022Liked by Zeneca

Hey Zen, great insights! I am trying to book a call on your calendly but October doesn't have available time-slots and the other months aren't accessible...

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Unfortunately all the slots I made available are taken, but I will share another link with new times many more times in the coming weeks and months

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Great summary of the challenges to on-boarding the masses! I've half given up trying to convince my more sceptical friends, am thinking to wait a few months/years till the general mood ("mentality") has swung somewhat. Your points about mentality, eg gamers' motivations, is great and I'll try and integrate that into my persuasion methods.

And for less technical friends/family - basically I'm just going to custody stuff for them (eg ENS domains I bought for them) until wallets become easier and safer. Things like Argent's social recovery & easy multisig seems a step in the right direction (I have no affiliation & still use hard wallets also).

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I'm custodying stuff for others too -- it's just a little too difficult (and dangerous) to try and get some people to understand + take control of a significant amount of digital assets at this point.

Social recovery is a huge step forward, i'm looking forward to when they become more popular

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A great article! Always love your openness, integrity, and authenticity in your communication. Keep it up for the Web3 industry, please!

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Thank you Eric! I appreciate you.

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Thank you👍🦾👨‍💻

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Thank YOU!

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Hi Zeneca,

Loved this post. At MobileCoin, we're solving both infrastructural and UX challenges to create a fast, user friendly, private and borderless payment app built on a mobile-first blockchain. Would love to give your early access and get your feedback.



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Hi Zeneca - I'm working on something in the education + crypto space, and would love to connect. I'm a EdTech veteran, just deciding now to pivot into crypto. Hit me up on Twitter if you're down to chat about tactics. @femmedecentral. :)

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Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

I'm fairly new to this space, but I see a theme that always, or mostly, happens with the introduction of new technology: the utility to the user gets overlooked or there's a focus on only one side. Take the gaming example. I can imagine someone who invests a lot in, for example, building something in Minecraft or Roblox being locked into the game, because they cannot take their building or avatar to another place. I think for some gamers, this might be one of the benefits, if the promise of interoperability that true ownership through NFTs holds comes true.

You are absolutely right: if you want to convince people to use a new technology, you need to understand what's important to them and see if the technology offers a better exeperience for them in that aspect.

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Killing it as always. Love the drive and dedication, man! I need some of that ^_^

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I'm skeptical that 'education' is really an answer to onboarding users to a new technical system -- after all, the internet didn't grow by educating people what TCP over IP was, it grew because internet companies made it materially easier to acquire information and connect with people. Specialization of labor dictates that realistically only a small number of builders need to dedicate the time to deeply understand how the systems work, and then build new, better products to engage everyone else.

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Great read Zen, thanks for sharing this and practical ways we can onboard many more people to this world than just speaking in financial terms. Looking forward to tomorrows

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Thanks Antonio :) Please let me know if you have any feedback (just reply to the email) -- we're always trying to improve

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Hey Zen, landed on your profile subscribed, reading some of your stuff, thank you for all learnings and new insights. I might be too late on this but I must ask if there are any openings join your PFP Project? I'm a founder and entrepreneur based in Sweden but travel a lot working all over. Thanks Uncle Jim

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