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Hey man! I stumbled across your post based on a recommendation from Metaverse HQ. I was curious about Punks so this helped a lot. I know there is a lot to digest here but one of the things I didn't see fully explored is the increased value to the remaining Punk Holders if Burning becomes disproportionately popular. I want to couple this with the Founders token becoming more valuable if the curators pick great projects to invest in. These dynamics could have a profound impact on whether you would burn to get $FLVT (deflationary effect on Punks Comics, hopefully raising Punks comics holder's price floors) vs Staking to get $PUNKS (no deflationary effect, betting on the long term future of the Punks Brand).

Complicated stuff overall, however, what I didn't see is any kind of bonding curve, similar to the one that Pak created for his cubes (you can see the project here: https://burn.art/about). The premise here created even more gamification because it disproportionately rewarded those who burned first with more tokens. just an interesting thing to look at as you continue to report out the concept here.

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