I can resonate to the feelings -- "not making unfathomable amounts of wealth but they are adjacent to people that have been fortunate enough to make life changing money, and might be feeling all sorts of negative feelings about themselves." - still trying to figure out where to start. Reading people having made unfathomable amounts make me more sad :-(

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This is wonderful. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for these words, it’s like you stepped inside my head and poured milk over my mental wounds. Agree with the comment below, everyone in this crazy space would do themselves a huge favour to have your post as a resource for mental health. Cheers Z

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Some very good points were raised, my friend. I enjoy your writing.

Techne Times

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I am sure I will come back to this post a 1000 times. It's an invaluable resource for anyone in crypto space, to keep their head calm amid all the chaos. Thank you ! - Arjun

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