Thank you very much for the information. It's difficult for me to keep up with how quickly web 3 is moving, which is why I highly value your newsletters - they are my source of updates

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Gm Gm, Really loving this piece and the work you do here. I also run a web3 news substack for underrepresented creators called Facesofweb3. Would you be open to a recommendation exchange? Our subscribers need to be able to find each other!

Great job, once again!

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wonder who is going to be the first dev innovating with this new protocol, custodial wallets have been a great solution so far, but this is def a game changer, I guess it will take time to see a final product with the implementation, but still excited about it.

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very informative, thanks Roy!

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by Zeneca

Thanks Zen! 🙏😎🔮

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